“Suffering is Never for Nothing” Book Review
Never before published words of Elisabeth Elliot! Here is my review of this book published by Lifeway!Continue Reading
Check this page out for all of Laura’s book reviews. She is a trusted reviewer for many publishing houses and also adds in a few extra books for fun! She is an avid reader and loves to share her opinions with you!
Never before published words of Elisabeth Elliot! Here is my review of this book published by Lifeway!Continue Reading
I was delighted to receive Wiersbe Study Bible (NKJV) for review. I love Wiersbe’s “Be” series, so to evaluate his study Bible was very exciting for me. First, I absolutely LOVE the fact that the font is slightly larger in order to easily read. The cover calls it “comfort print” and IContinue Reading
“Worship Essentials” by Mike Harland is a refreshing look at what makes worship, worship. So many churches and people in today’s society argue, fight, and war over the music portion of the church’s service. Those who aren’t fighting are agonizing over how to have the “right” kind of worship experience.Continue Reading
This book was a delight to read! I read it with my seven year old daughter. She was able to read most of it, with some help and she asked if I could print it out for her because she really liked it! So, that is a win right there!!Continue Reading
I will be honest, when I read the title, I wasn’t too sure about this book. I never really feel uninvited. But when I read the subtitle, and the back of the book, I felt inclined to get it. I bought the book during our last PCS (that is whenContinue Reading
What I love about this book is that you can read as much, or as little, at a time as you want. No matter how little time you have, you still get a thought provoking scenario to think on through the day. Wisdom from a Father…one dad’s thoughts on lifeContinue Reading
So some of you are wondering why I’m doing another review of this series. Plainly, it is because it needs an update! I hadn’t read the third book at the time of the original post because it had not been written. I have now read the third one (a whileContinue Reading
I was so honored to be asked by the author to review his book, and after reading it, I am glad I was given the opportunity. “Heaven Shining Through” is a quick read, but packed with emotion, real life, and genuineness. Centered around a girl, Samantha, you see life throughContinue Reading
What can I say? I absolutely LOVE this collection of books! I am currently re-reading books 1-4 because book 5, “Bitter Winter,” was just released. Jaye L. Knight does a fantastic job with these books and I’m always on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next. I’mContinue Reading
I was very excited to receive this book for review! I am always looking for a good devotional to use with the family. And this book did not disappoint! Written by a father/son duo, this devotion really brings plenty of opportunity for family learning, growing, and discussing. I have aContinue Reading
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