Book Review (Page 4)

Check this page out for all of Laura’s book reviews. She is a trusted reviewer for many publishing houses and also adds in a few extra books for fun! She is an avid reader and loves to share her opinions with you!

Click to purchase. So, this book came to me through an interesting episode with my pastor.  You see, we had recently moved to Virginia and we were speaking with the pastor of a church we had been attending.  When our pastor discovered we were from Kentucky, he immediately talked aboutContinue Reading

Have you ever wondered how modern science fits with the Bible?  How do all these archaeological finds support the Bible?  If you’re like me, you may have struggled with how to fit the things you were taught in school with the Bible.  Sometimes, they may have even seemed to contradictContinue Reading

Wow, so if you haven’t checked these books out, do it now!  While attending a homeschool conference, I attended Chuck Black’s lecture.  This lecture on Spiritual Warfare and the family led me to his booth later on the day.  Chuck writes fiction stories about spiritual warfare, the Bible, Honor, etc. Continue Reading

Click to purchase.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This book was very helpful in understanding angels and their place in the heavens, on earth, and in our lives.  This book takes a scriptural approach to all things angels, including demons (Satan’s angels). What was interesting in this book,Continue Reading

Click to purchase.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The blood moons issues sure has taken a lot of attention this year.  And to be honest, I had no idea whether it was legitimate or baloney.  So I started reading up on the issue. Blood moons are just eclipsesContinue Reading

 I recently reviewed a book on owls that was for the 4-9 year old age group.  I read it with my three year old.  I have to say, she loved it.  She thought the owls were funny and she even identified some that she had soon on cartoons.  It isContinue Reading

Sadly, this morning, I woke up to news about a Christian couple in Pakistan. They had been burnt alive. Why? Because someone in the community accused them of burning pages of the Quran. Read my article about the incident. They were accused by someone in the community who happened toContinue Reading

Click to purchase.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A journalist went to visit Asia Bibi in order to write her story.  She approached the book as a ghost writer, meaning, she wrote as if she were Asia Bibi.  Asia cannot read or write, so this is the onlyContinue Reading