“Secrets of Closing the Sale” by Zig Ziglar with Kevin Harrington
The NY Times Best Seller is on the market with extras from Kevin Harrington and a forward by Tom Ziglar.Continue Reading
“Who Will Play With Me?” Book Review
Excellent children’s book on friends, forgiveness, and helping each other out. Continue Reading
Donuts, Jesus and a Memory
So today is National Donut Day! I want to take a moment to reminisce on the importance of donuts. I say this tongue-in-cheek as it is a somewhat silly holiday, yet, for me, also a very serious one. You see, this time two years ago, donuts were what was keepingContinue Reading
Monday Memes: Do You Need a Fuel Stop?
How funny is this?! I have never been the dog in this meme, but I have definitely been the person the dog is looking at!! This meme reminded me of how God may be looking at us. Our spiritual fuel tank is getting low and we need to stop andContinue Reading
“Powerful Prayers for Your Son” Book Review
I was pleasantly surprised with this book! If you are looking for a book full of prayers that are specific, biblical, and bring all aspects of the situation under God’s provision, then this is the book for you!Continue Reading
“Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter” Book Review
“Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter” exceeded my expectations! This book comes highly recommended for all parents of daughters! Continue Reading
“Why God?” Book Review
Written in a way a child actually thinks, “Why God?” by Dan Dewitt is a great way to introduce kids to thinking about God and working through hard theological concepts.Continue Reading
Monday Memes: Too Little or Too Much Esteem
Fullness in Christ is knowing emptiness, and knowing emptiness is the beginning to being full in Christ. Charles Spurgeon’s words ring with more and more truth the more one ponders upon them. Today, I want to view these words in light of pride. We spend a lifetime learning how to balance pride. WeContinue Reading
Monday Memes: Slave to Fear
What do you fear? Death? Enemies? Embarrassment? Financial ruin? Our list of fears could get pretty long! I know that, personally, I had a time where fear was my best friend. If it could be worried about, I did. This debilitated me and made it completely impossible to enjoy life. It also inhibited me from truly fulfilling what GodContinue Reading
Monday Memes: Apology or Manipulation
Wow! Does this meme hit you, or what?! I think we can all think of people in our lives that apologize but don’t change. In fact, it probably happens so frequently that we don’t even believe their apologies anymore. Even more to the point, we often think of those people as manipulators because ofContinue Reading