Laura Murray (Page 26)

Christ follower, author, military wife, homeschool mom, analyst, and writer (among many other things). My life has been fast-paced, crazy, and full of experiences and adventures! I’ve worked for DHS, state police, and Sussman Corporate Security. I have lived in and visited many countries. I write on a variety of topics: Christian persecution, Bible, terrorism, food/health, Christian living, and more. I am so glad you are visiting my page!

As I sit and read the news, I am absolutely astounded at our government.  Today, a town in CA, through peaceful protests, managed to turn bus loads of illegal immigrants away.  The buses were headed for their town.  They were packed full of people who had crossed the border, notContinue Reading

As we withdraw from Afghanistan, pledge to not become involved in Iraq, arm who-knows-who in Syria, celebrate our military heroes, swap terrorists for POWs, and try to figure out what our President is doing in regards to foreign policy, a hero is hiding from the Taliban. Mohammad Gulab is theContinue Reading

After such a joyous day, Meriam is now back in custody.  She and her husband were arrested on their way out of the country.  As of right now, the status of their children is unknown. Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) arrested them in the Khartoum airport.  According toContinue Reading

Praise Jesus!  Meriam has been released!  A judge overturned her conviction and she is a free woman.  According to statements made by her husband a few weeks ago, he plans to take his whole family out of the Sudan.   There is some confusion as to whether or not she hasContinue Reading

Red Denotes ISIS control As we watch Syria and Iraq fall into chaos, there’s an untold story unfolding.  That of Christians.  In both countries,  and the broader Middle East, Christians are targeted.  They are beheaded, crucified, beaten, tortured, burnt, kidnapped, and more.  It’s all in an effort to drive themContinue Reading

No man left behind?  Mr. Obama, you can’t even grasp the concept. You left behind our Iraqi allies to fend for themselves.  By the way, this is after our loved ones left body parts behind while trying to liberate Iraqi cities that are now overrun by terrorists.   You released fiveContinue Reading

A few things to update on this issue. First, if you are in Nigeria and want to participate in events to bring awareness to the issue and keep in the forefront of political debate, you can follow Bringbackourgirlsng. If you are in the US, contact your representatives and bring politicalContinue Reading

 Be in prayer for Meriam and her family.  The appeals court has agreed to review her case.  Details are below. *********************************************************************************************************** On May 22nd, Meriam’s legal team filed an appeal of her case.  They are arguing that the verdict contradicts the country’s constitution.  A panel of three judges is currentlyContinue Reading

Lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill has stated that the administration of the Lahore High Court (where Asia Bibi should start her appeal process) has received “orders not to schedule hearings for the moment and we do not know for how much longer.”  This follows the sudden disappearance of her case fromContinue Reading