
I wrote this article for Yahoo, but it was not published due to their closure.  So I wanted to post it here, in recognition of his bravery, dedication, and loyalty. Current Age: 28 years Battle: Battle of Wanat in the Waygal Valley of Afghanistan Date of Battle: July 13, 2008Continue Reading

As I sit and read the news, I am absolutely astounded at our government.  Today, a town in CA, through peaceful protests, managed to turn bus loads of illegal immigrants away.  The buses were headed for their town.  They were packed full of people who had crossed the border, notContinue Reading

As we withdraw from Afghanistan, pledge to not become involved in Iraq, arm who-knows-who in Syria, celebrate our military heroes, swap terrorists for POWs, and try to figure out what our President is doing in regards to foreign policy, a hero is hiding from the Taliban. Mohammad Gulab is theContinue Reading

I have to admit, I am waiting to see what transpires before I weigh in on this topic.  I feel like the media is running wild.  However, some sanity has to be brought in.  So, I wrote some short biographies of the five men we traded for SGT Bergdahl.  NoContinue Reading

I can’t say how much it meant to hear Montel Williams standing up for veterans.  As a wife of an Army Soldier, daughter of a Navy submariner, a family member of many veterans, and a friend/mourner of countless veterans, it lifted my heart.  Someone with some power in this countryContinue Reading

Guess What Mr. Beckel, Americans DO Care! I have to say I was quite disappointed in Bob Beckel on The Five.  I am by no means liberal and very rarely agree with anything Bob Beckel says. However, I respect Bob Beckel and his views. He has, unknowingly, helped inspire meContinue Reading

What a sad day yesterday was.  Not only because Fort Hood experienced a shooting, but because it was the second time.  People who had to endure the first one, and are still healing, had to experience it once again.  Even the responders were responding for the second time. This seemsContinue Reading