Despite being a member of the United Nations and agreeing to
recognize and protect every individual’s right to the free practice of their
religion, Sudan is still persecuting Christians at an alarming rate.  President Omar Hassan al-Bashir uses strict Shari’a
law to govern Sudan.  According to the
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, he uses
“amputations and floggings for crimes and acts of ‘indecency’ and ‘immorality’
and arresting Christians for proselytizing.”

Meriam Yahia Ibrahim is a pregnant, 27-year-old Orthodox
Christian mother and wife.  She was
raised in Western Sudan as a Christian Orthodox.  She is a graduate of Khartoum University and,
until her arrest, was a practicing MD. 
She married Daniel Wani, a Christian from South Sudan.  They had one son together and are expecting
another child.
On February 7, 2014, Meriam was arrested, with her
20-month-old son, and put in a women’s prison.  She had not been charged nor did she receive a
fair trial.   A relative had turned her in to the police for
marrying a Christian.  According to the
Sudan’s Public Order Criminal Code, Meriam is a Muslim by default because she
was born in Sudan.  Thus, her marriage to
a Christian is a criminal act.
On March 4th, Meriam was charged with adultery
and apostasy.  The adultery charge came
with a punishment of 100 lashes.  The
apostasy charge came with a punishment of death.  As it stands, Meriam will be put to death
following the birth of her second child.
On May 11th, there will be a hearing to hear
witnesses’ testimonies that Meriam has never practiced Islam and cannot
possibly be a convert or have broken the law. 
This is her chance to avoid her death sentence.  If it falls through, she will be executed
next month, right after birthing her second child.
Meriam’s husband, Daniel, is not allowed to care for their
child, Martin, because he is a Christian. 
Therefore, Martin, almost two years old, is in prison with his
mother.  Daniel is not allowed to visit
or see his son. 
Daniel also accuses the prison of withholding medical
treatment to his wife.  He states that
she needs medical attention monthly in order to keep their baby in the
womb.  However, she is not being treated
at all. 
International Christian Concern, a Washington DC based
non-profit is calling all concerned people to contact the Sudanese Embassy to
demand that Meriam be released immediately. 
They are contacting the government directly but are urging people to put
pressure on this government.
The Sudanese Embassy phone number for US citizens is
ICC Calls on
Government of Sudan to Release Christian Mother on Death Row.