Advent 2019: Day 1
The first week of Advent we focus on hope. Today, let’s see how God offers humanity hope from the very beginning, to today, and in the future.Continue Reading
The first week of Advent we focus on hope. Today, let’s see how God offers humanity hope from the very beginning, to today, and in the future.Continue Reading
I can’t be silent on this one. I wanted to be, believe me. I will tell you, the back and forth going on in the public sphere, regarding women pastors/preachers, needs to be happening privately. Because of the publicity it gets, due to the people involved having high visibility andContinue Reading
In Chains is covering the news of the persecuted church during 2019″s 34th week. Brutal killings, increasing attacks, church closings, and law suits riddle this week’s news. Continue Reading
In Chains covers the news of the persecuted church worldwide. Also, resources, both free and paid, are listed. Continue Reading
June 2019 Week 4 Persecution Round UpContinue Reading
Did you know that as a Christian, your identity is in the King himself and you are his warrior?! He is constantly working to change you into a being closer and closer to what he originally planned for you! You are always becoming and are not boxed in by your past. Continue Reading
I just love this picture! It describes my husband and I to a tee! We may not have them stacked that high next to our bed, but believe me, they’re stacked that way elsewhere in the house! And that is in addition to the small stacks by our bed! IContinue Reading
So today is National Donut Day! I want to take a moment to reminisce on the importance of donuts. I say this tongue-in-cheek as it is a somewhat silly holiday, yet, for me, also a very serious one. You see, this time two years ago, donuts were what was keepingContinue Reading
How funny is this?! I have never been the dog in this meme, but I have definitely been the person the dog is looking at!! This meme reminded me of how God may be looking at us. Our spiritual fuel tank is getting low and we need to stop andContinue Reading
What do you fear? Death? Enemies? Embarrassment? Financial ruin? Our list of fears could get pretty long! I know that, personally, I had a time where fear was my best friend. If it could be worried about, I did. This debilitated me and made it completely impossible to enjoy life. It also inhibited me from truly fulfilling what GodContinue Reading
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