Being Under Satan’s Yoke
Wow, I was just convicted by the Holy Spirit! While watching Part 2 of David Jeremiah’s Spiritual Warfare videos, he gave this imagery about Satan talking to his demons. “As long as Christians stay close to God, we have no power of them. So this is how you gain victoryContinue Reading
Blood Moons Rising: Review
Click to purchase.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The blood moons issues sure has taken a lot of attention this year. And to be honest, I had no idea whether it was legitimate or baloney. So I started reading up on the issue. Blood moons are just eclipsesContinue Reading
A Letter to ISIS
******************************************************************* How hard it is to forgive and love ISIS. Yet that is what we, as Christians, are called to do. Jesus came to save everyone. All sinners. For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish butContinue Reading
Chibok Girls: Twelve Months and Counting
I know I haven’t written much lately. There is much going on in life and my writing has had to take a back seat. However, this is so important, I needed to take some time to write it. Chibok Girls: Twelve Months and Counting Twelve months. Twelve months is howContinue Reading
Boko Haram & ISIS
Unfortunately, over the weekend, Abubakr Shekau announced Boko Haram’s allegiance to ISIS. It still remains to be seen if ISIS will accept. Either way, there is no good scenario to come out of this. At a bare minimum, there is an emulation going on between the two groups. Boko HaramContinue Reading
“Nigerian Genocide: Christian Persecution 2014”
It is now available! Discover the genocide taking place against Christians in Nigeria. Continue Reading
February Edition of “In Chains”
Here it is! The February “In Chains” magazine. This month, there are embedded video files for you to check out. Let me tell you, persecution is not going away. This month, the magazine grew significantly in size. I could barely keep up with my emails and statistics. We are inContinue Reading
In Chains: January 2015
Check out my first eMagazine… “In Chains!” It is a monthly eMag that covers Christian persecution worldwide. This is the January edition. February will be coming out soon, so check it out! The magazine has news and analysis of what is going on world wide. There is also information forContinue Reading
Pre-Order “Nigerian Genocide: Christian Persecution 2014”
My book is now available for pre-order! The release date for “Nigerian Genocide” is March 6, 2015. The price for an eBook will be $9.99 and for print it will be $14.99. But if you pre-order you can receive the eBook for $5.99! Purchase now and the eBook will beContinue Reading
Nigeria’s Election Postponement: Safety or Shady?
As you, my readers, know, I follow Nigeria closely. Especially as it relates to Christian persecution. This coming election is likely to be a tipping point for Nigeria, and Christian lives are in the balance. Elections were scheduled to be held February 14. It is a close race, no oneContinue Reading