As 2 Timothy tells us, we are not to have a spirit of fear.  God gave us a spirit of love and self-control!  In this global situation, where fear and panic reign, a Christian's love and self-control will show more than any other time!  When you are in the grocery and you don't fight over items, when you show love to those around you, people notice.  Especially now.  This is the time when the love of Jesus inside of you can shine brighter than normal!  It is also a time when others are searching for hope and someone they can depend on.  Show them that it is Jesus!

This is easier said than done right?  Many of us have been sent home, our kids aren't in school, our churches aren't meeting, ... we may have even been quarantined.  What can we do?  We aren't supposed to be around other people.

Well, if you take time to think and be creative, there is plenty you can do!  Whether you are quarantined, at home, or working. Let's use this time wisely and reclaim it for God!  (you can see the video I posted online, discussing this, at the end of this blog)  Let's be the body of Christ during this difficult time!



You aren't quarantined, but you've been sent home from work.  Maybe you're working from home or you're at home because your kids have been sent home from school.  Either way, you are at home and not in your normal routine.  Use this time!

  • Family Time.  If your family is at home with you, take some time to spend it together.  Play games, talk, work on a project, bake cookies, read an adventure story together ... whatever sounds like fun.  We often don't have a lot of time to spend as a family.  Use this extra time to do something together.  Make sure it is interactive (not just watching a show or reading on your own).
  • Read your Bible.  You may have plenty of time on your hands and what better way to use it than to spend more time in God's word!  If you're like most, you wish you had time to read your Bible more.  Now you do!  Don't know where to start?  There are many free online Bible studies that you can join.  Or you can Google "read the Bible in a year" and just choose one of the plans. You can also choose a book of the Bible and just start reading a chapter a day.  If you need ideas, shoot me a comment/message and I will help you out!
    • If your whole family is at home, use this time to have family devotion.  It is often so hard to do this during our "normal" lives.  Use this time to have family devotion.  Use a children's Bible, a kids devotion, or just read out of the Bible.  There are also plenty of resources online.
  • Worship.  You may not be able to go to church.  So worship God together as a family!  Turn on some Christian music and sing together.  Or maybe even dance together!  Spend the time that you would've spent at church praising God.  You can also read the Bible together or listen to a sermon together.  Make sure you keep God center on the days you normally would do so.
  • House Projects.  I know what you're thinking!  This is not very Godly.  However, it is!  God did not create us to be idle.  If you have time on your hands with nothing to do, find some things in the house to do!  Do a project your spouse has been dying to get done.  Catch up on laundry or cleaning.  Teach your family member how to do something they've been wanting to do.  This is a great time to show love to the family by helping with projects that have been collecting.  Helping others with their work is a great way to show love.  It also helps build up the family, which is something that God wants.  Don't become workaholics during this time off, but use it wisely.  Just like "normal" days, work is not an excuse to not worship God or love on your family.
  • Memorize God's Word.  You now have time to memorize God's word!  Choose a Psalm or a passage and work on memorizing it.  If you are creative, you can create some art work to go with it.  You can join my memorization FB page and work through some memorizing!
    • If your whole family is at home, choose something you can all memorize together.  Play games to memorize or challenge each other to see who can do it the fastest.
  • Write Letters.  So many are in need of encouragement.  Those imprisoned for their faith are always in need of encouragement. People in nursing homes could use encouragement.  They are not allowed visitors at this time and cards/letters are a great way to show them they are loved and not forgotten.  You can check my website for prisoner info and your church (or call the local nursing home) for addresses of nursing home people.
    • This is a great way to encourage others but to also teach the family about helping others.  Let the kids draw pictures or write their own cards/letters.
  • Connect with Family/Friends.  Most of us probably don't call our parents/grandparents enough.  Some of us haven't called our friend in a long time.  This is the time to do it!  If you're sitting around your house, what better time to catch up with these people and reconnect!
    • If you have kids at home, let them talk to their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc..  This is a great time for them to do some relationship building via phone, Skype, FaceTime, etc..
  • Help Others.  If you are NOT an "at risk" person, you can help others who are.  Run some errands for them, take them a meal, go visit them, whatever they are comfortable with.  These people could really use some help as they need to protect themselves.
  • Prayer.  Prayer is so powerful!  Not just for your relationship with God but also for others.  Take time to really pray for others during this time.  You can pray for those affected by Coronavirus and for those that aren't.  Life still goes on.  People are still preparing funerals, getting sick, having financial difficulties, and more.  There is not a lack of needs.  Prayer can be a mighty way you serve others.
    • Pray personally and as a family.  Allow each family member to pray, out loud, for those that they feel need prayer.
  • Babysit.  If you aren't working from home, offer to watch the kids of someone who is.  That will be a great blessing to them!
  • Social Media.  You likely have internet.  If you do, use this time to use social media for God.  Post encouraging scripture, hold prayer events, post YouTube videos of sermons or songs, the list is endless.  Use this time to share Jesus' word and his love/peace.  Be a voice for him on social media.
  • Meal Prep.  Get ahead on meals so that when you are exhausted or when you go back to work, you have some meals ready.  I know I am always in need of more homemade freezer meals!
  • Hobbies. Pick up your hobbies and do them!  Better yet, do them for a ministry! Don't know what ministry to do?  Shoot me a comment and I can help. Examples: crochet/knit for hospitals, prisons, church ministries, etc., bake/cook for first responders and hospital workers, sew for ministries, paint and post pics on social media for encouragement... there is so much you can do!



For those that are still working, you have a lot on your plate!  You may have kids at home because schools are shut down, you have angry customers, you may be putting in longer hours, and in general, your life is a hectic mess.  Or, you may someone still working but not much has changed.  You still go to work, no one is panicking, but you're definitely eye-balling anyone who coughs/sneezes, and you are lysol-ing everything.  Whichever position you are in, this is the time for you to shine for Jesus!  Everyone around you is in fear and panic.  They are full of anxiety.  As a Christian, you don't have this fear and anxiety.  God is in control.  People are probably going to think you are a little weird!  But that is a good thing!  Your "weirdness'' during this time will help you show Jesus to others.  When others are ransacking grocery stores, your kindness will shine through.  When others are scared to come out, your bravery will shine. When the world is at its darkest, the light shines even brighter.  You are this light and you are able to share it with others!  So what can you do?

  • Keep a level head. The Bible tells us that we are to be known by our reasonableness. So be reasonable.  When others ask you about it, share your testimony.
  • Love others.  When others are exhibiting panic, anger, fear, and anxiety, you can share your love.
  • Listen. People are fearful.  Listen attentively and help them work through it.  Share how Jesus gives you peace.
  • Stay calm. Try to calm your family and friends.  Point them to the one who holds us in his hand. Prepare and be prudent, but leave the rest to God.
  • Look for ways to bless. If you are still working, then you are likely seeing ways that people need help and/or encouragement.  See how you can do something little to bless them.  Maybe it's helping them to their car.  Maybe it's a smile.  Maybe it's listening.
  • Let Others Help.  Maybe you need some babysitting, let relatives and friends help you!  Maybe you need help with dinners, let a neighbor help you out!  Often, allowing others to help us not only gives us what we need, but it also allows them to bless you.  Just as you like to bless others, let them bless you!



If you are currently quarantined, you likely feel very limited.  After all, you are stuck in a room, or in your house, or maybe even the hospital.  There's not much available to you.  However, there are still things you can do to reclaim your time for God.

  • Read your Bible.  You have plenty of time on your hands and what better way to use it than to spend more time in God's word!  If you're like most, you wish you had time to read your Bible more.  Now you do!  Don't know where to start?  There are many free online Bible studies that you can join.  Or you can Google "read the Bible in a year" and just choose one of the plans. You can also choose a book of the Bible and just start reading a chapter a day.  If you need ideas, shoot me a comment/message and I will help you out!
  • Memorize God's Word.  You have plenty of time to memorize God's word!  Choose a Psalm or a passage and work on memorizing it.  If you are creative, you can create some art work to go with it.  You can join my memorization FB page and work through some memorizing!
  • Write Letters.  So many are in need of encouragement.  Those imprisoned for their faith are always in need of encouragement. People in nursing homes could use encouragement.  They are not allowed visitors at this time and cards/letters are a great way to show them they are loved and not forgotten.  You can check my website for prisoner info and your church (or call the local nursing home) for addresses of nursing home people.
  • Prayer.  Prayer is so powerful!  Not just for your relationship with God but also for others.  Take time to really pray for others during this time.  You can pray for those affected by Coronavirus and for those that aren't.  Life still goes on.  People are still preparing funerals, getting sick, having financial difficulties, and more.  There is not a lack of needs.  Prayer can be a mighty way you serve others.
  • Social Media.  You likely have internet.  If you do, use this time to use social media for God.  Post encouraging scripture, hold prayer events, post YouTube videos of sermons or songs, the list is endless.  Use this time to share Jesus' word and his love/peace.  Be a voice for him on social media.
  • Connect with Family/Friends.  Many of us haven't spoken to certain family and friends in a while.  Life gets too busy.  You've got the time, give them a call and reconnect!