Monday Memes (Page 6)

Monday Memes is a weekly devotional focusing on a social meme. We have fun applying the Bible to popular memes.

How often do we give up?  We were on fire about something, sure that God had given us a mission, and then down the road, we are wondering if we even understood God to begin with.  We doubt.  We fear.  We feel like we have failed. Believe me, this isContinue Reading

Life can get so complicated.  We often find ourselves wondering about God’s will.  What is it?  Did I miss it?  Did I mess it up? Countless people, including myself at times, feel like the mess ups have derailed God’s plan.  That His plan will no longer get accomplished because ofContinue Reading

 So Much, So Little Time Do you feel overwhelmed?  Is there a never-ending list of things to do? Is your mind cluttered with a million opinions, to-do lists, plans, schedules, and more?  Are you wondering where all the peace is in the mind clutter? That is what we are goingContinue Reading

Opinions are Everywhere! How Do We Address Them? Opinions are absolutely everywhere!  I love this meme!  And who doesn’t relate to Woody, completely overwhelmed with all the opinions being spouted everywhere!  Our society is FULL of opinions all over the place.  The news has people who are paid to onlyContinue Reading

Today is the first of many “Monday Memes!”  So often we see these in our social media.  They make us laugh, point out ironies, speak to politics, and much, much, more.  I want to take some time in each Monday to do the same.  Except we are going to discussContinue Reading